Canada is a country that thankfully accepts those from other countries, cultures, religions and circumstances - but when it come to the homeless, too many Richmond residents are exclusive of those who only live up to what they think are acceptable standards.
All the homeless need is a chance to recover, a place to call home and a chance to thrive and survive without judgement of life on the street.
The protesters need a change of attitude. They ackowledge that someone should do something to help the homeless, as long as it isn't in their neighbourhood.
Let's help these less fortunate by providing a decent roof over their head and give them a place to call home. Something that these protesters take for granted.
Some of Richmond's residents who drive luxury cars and live in million dollar homes need some perspective. Shame on you.
Congratulation to Richmond's City Council's response to homelessness and in keeping with what should be a guide to a healthy community. The City of Richmond and BC Housing seem committed to ensuring everyone has a place to call home. Let's be a little more supportive of this initiative.