I have listed a new property at 5153 WHITWORTH CRES N in Delta.
One of the most often asked question, other than what is my home worth, is where prices going?
I prepared this chart from actual MLS records for people I'm in contact with who are looking to "cash out" of Richmond and buy in South Delta - Ladner or Tsawwassen to more specific.
The chart looks at resale detached properties (houses) and does not include new construction which tend to skew the prices higher when added to the overall sale prices.
This is a "live" chart that updates monthly.
Bookmark this post or contact me to show what the market price trend is for your market area and housing type.
I have listed a new property at 5153 WHITWORTH CRES N in Delta.
I have listed a new property at 5153 WHITWORTH CRES N in Delta.